« Choppy wavesWhat We Sometimes Miss »

6 comments, 1 webmention

Comment from: Amanda Kirk [Visitor]
Amanda Kirk

Wonderful articles, truly illuminating. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

12/02/11 @ 16:24
Comment from: [Member]

You are very welcome. And thanks for the feedback – it’s really nice to hear!


12/04/11 @ 08:47
Comment from: buck steele [Visitor]
buck steele

good informative article. thanks for your work and willingness to share it, grace to you in your further exploration into the marvelous designs of the Master Designer.

01/06/12 @ 23:17
Comment from: [Member]

Marvelous designs indeed.
And there’s so much more to explore.


01/07/12 @ 00:27
Comment from: Al LePage [Visitor]  
Al LePage


You have done a very nice job here, especially regarding the history of science, and how an educated and open-minded person, simply observing and trying to figure out what’s going on from ice crystals in snowflakes in terms of molecular structure at the atomic and subatomic level, can indeed have great insight, as did the farmer-scientist, being years ahead of his time, and not encumbered by current facts.

Great stuff here to perhaps inspire aspiring young scientists to learn about how to do science without being attached to “how things are supposed to be” . . . as did Michael Faraday, thereby leading to some great discoveries with experimentation, observation and analysis at it’s core.

Thank you.

01/28/12 @ 02:12
Comment from: Jon [Visitor]

Thanks Al for the insightful comments.
The farmer-scientist Wilson Bentley was certainly amazing in his accomplishments, particularly given his circumstances, but sadly underappreciated, even now. I was disappointed to find some years back that he wasn’t even mentioned in the Encyclopedia Brittanica.

Whenever I think I know how things “are supposed to be", I find some exception. It certainly keeps us thinking!

- Jon

02/01/12 @ 17:59

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