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It Came Out of the Sky
Our first snowfall this season came overnight with a howling westerly, but left just a light dusting. Only certain surfaces with a wide view of the sky were cool enough to preserve the snow. The only place in our yard was the roof of our car, which I've found in the past to cool about 8 degrees Celcius below that of the air at head-height. But looking out our window this morning (the 19th), I saw something else that came down - a spider. It might have come from the telephone wire about 30 feet above the car, or, with all the wind, might have blown in from a more distant place. We see these colorful spiders on their webs all over our yard and have come to view a few of them as familiar friends. The one near our front door last year seemed to freeze up and die when the first cold weather came, but later, after being warmed by the sun, popped back into action. I set this fallen spider out in a warm and dry spot, but alas, it did not recover.

This is really interesting - I wonder if the cold got to it of if it ’s bilogical clock had just run out? At any rate, good observation to find this.

I don’t know much about these spiders, but the ones last year that became active again after a freeze were still on their webs. After this light snowfall, the spider near our front door (also with a few legs missing) hung on for a few days longer, but it too is gone now. Maybe they can’t survive very long in the cold.