Category: "News"
Front page News
December 11th, 2009The Kalamazoo Gazette ran a front page article about The Story of Snow on Wednesday, December 9.
The weather was quite accomodating as a blizzard moved into west Michigan around the same time.
- Mark
18 New Holiday Books For Kids from
December 2nd, 2009If you are interested in kids' books for the holidays, check out the 18 New Holiday Books For Kids photo gallery on the website of the Chicago Tribune - which is
I particularly like #2 in the lineup - but there are a lot of interesting titles here!
- Mark
Booksigning December 12 at the Kalamazoo Nature Center
November 28th, 2009The Kalamazoo Nature Center's Buy Local Art and Gift Fair is coming up in just 2 weeks. I'll be on hand to sign books and talk about snow crystyal photography from 11 a.m. till 1 p.m. The Art Fair runs from 10 to 4, and in the afternon the results of the Photoblitz contest will be unveiled. Holidays At The Homestead will also be in full swing, with live Celtic Music, horse drawn carriage rides, and other holiday festivities from the past at the historic DeLano Homestead. For more about the event, visit
And don't forget the December 4 art hop at Nature Connection in downtown Kalamazoo!
- Mark
Mark To Be Interviewed On Kalamazoo Radio - The Lori Moore Show
November 25th, 2009I just confirmed that I’ll be interviewed on the Lori Moore Show – AM 590 WKZO Kalamazoo – around 9:45 a.m. on Friday, December 4. I expect we’ll be talking about The Story of Snow, the Art Hop at Nature Connection that evening, the upcoming “Buy Local” event at that Kalamazoo Nature Center, and about anything else that comes up!
Just for the fun of it - here is a snow crystal from 12/21/2008. We've had an unusually warm fall in Kalamazoo this year, so it's hard to believe that we'll be seeing snow like this in less than a month - but I can hope!
- Mark
Story of Snow Book Signing and Art Hop
November 24th, 2009On Friday, Decmeber 4, I'll be participating in the December Art Hop at Nature Connection - a cool nature oriented gift store located in Downtown Kalamazoo. I'll be there to sign copies of The Story of Snow, and will also have photo note cards and matted prints.
The Art Hop is from 5 - 9 on December 4, and Nature Connections is located at the corner of Lovell and Burdick. See you there there!
- Mark
Local Author Book Signing at Kazoo Books
November 14th, 2009On November 14 I joined Coolidge J. Bligh and Gary Cialdella at Kazoo Books - a great local / independent book store - for a local author's book signing. I was there with The Story of Snow and appreciate all the folks who came by for a copy.
It was also great to catch up a bit with Gary Cialdella, whose collection of urban landscape photos called The Calumet Area: An American Place was recently published jointly by the University of Illinois and the Brauer Museum of Art. I first met Gary almost a decade ago at a workshop with Mark Klett at the Kalamazoo Institute of Art. Gary's landscape photography is very inspiring, and if ever you tire of snow crystal photos, you should take a look at his book. It's great stuff and an inspiration to all of us who love B&W landscape work.
- Mark
The Story of Snow!
June 12th, 2009
Yippie! On Monday I received an advance copy of my new book – The Story of Snow: The Science of Winter’s Wonder. This project has been in the works for over a year, during which time I’ve been privileged to work with physicist Jon Nelson and the great people at Chronicle Books. The book will be available in stores later this year – you can read about it in Chronicle Book’s catalog here.
- Mark