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Comment from: Karel [Visitor]

Does all clear ice (not slush) sepatate or split as vertical candles or pencils? Or is there a difference in small grains and large grains? And what about air bubbles?

07/02/19 @ 17:21
Comment from: [Member]

Hi Karel,
About your 1st question:
Does all clear ice (not slush) separate or split as vertical candles or pencils?

I have not seen polycrystalline ice that splits apart like this. Sea ice might, but I have not played around with sea ice. The reason sea ice might do this is that the salt in the water does not enter the ice, and tends to collect in long vertical channels called brine pockets.

About your 2nd question:
Or is there a difference in small grains and large grains?

The grains will depend on the ice history and the way it originally formed. Often, researchers just look at slices of the ice and thus get knowledge only of a cross-section. It would be interesting to know the 3-dimensional structure of the grains.

About your 3rd question:
Most ice formed from freezing has air bubbles. And there can be a lot of stress in the ice around the bubble. So this might lead to grains. I don’t know any more about it though.

(Sorry about the delay in this reply. I was having some trouble with the system.)

07/12/19 @ 11:13

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